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Change Dates & Locations as needed to find best fares!

Trinidad Fete Tickets is now closed for the 2011 T&T Carnival Season. Tickets are no longer available for purchase via the site. Persons who have made purchases via the site will be receiving their invoices and other relevant information shortly. If you require information on fetes, dates, ticket costs, locations, where to purchase, committee members, etc, please check the links below.

****Click here for Ticket Outlets & Contacts, Committee Members, etc- UPDATED****

****Click here for our Frequently Asked Questions Guide****
(this also lists the events we will be providing tickets for and those we have sold out of)

What exactly is this FETE thing....CLICK HERE!
(great description of what to expect at different types of fetes)

****Click here for the 2011 T&T Fete/Event Listing**** (!!! updated !!!)

We ask that you read the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS guide so as to assist you in understanding our processes and with any questions you may have. Should you not find any answer to your relevant question there, do not hesitate to contact us thereafter.

Promoters who wish to have their events listed on the site and through our newsletter, can send an email to Please provide all relevant information on your event: Name, Date, Location, Time, etc..etc..

Should you wish to be kept updated on TFT news, ticket availability, etc, please send an email to Trinidad Fete informing us that you wish to be placed on our subscriber email list. Also, place our email addresses in your SAFE LIST so as to avoid emails from us going to your spam/junk mail box.

Thursday 27 December 2007

Transport Service to fetes, etc..

After having discussions with our transport provider the following is the decision made.

Please be advised that all bookings and payments must be made by 15th January 2008.

As a date or space is no longer available with the vehicle, you will be informed.

The maxi shuttle service being provided to you will be structured as follows:
*Seating capacity = 12 or 15 depending on vehicle used (will be confirmed on booking)
*USD$45.00 per person, Return, Per Event (except Salybia)
*Salybia = USD$55, return
*Pick up & drop off point to be advised

As advised by the service provider, once a group has booked, the vehicle will be on site for the duration of the pre-arranged times and patrons will be able to 'rest up', 'take a nap' or leave any items in the vehicle at their comfort and not have to worry about 'the vehicle not showing up' or 'having no where to rest', should they require it.

Should the vehicle not be fully booked by one group, patrons may have to share the vehicle with other persons.

It is advisable that you do secure group bookings as this may be more comfortable for you.

Finally, a 50% deposit is required to secure this service and cancellations can only be made with 5 days notice.

Additionally, upon cancellation, we will deduct a small service fee for processing charges.

Again, this is a first pay, first scheduled service.

The prices quoted have been based upon current fares and also taking into consideration the wait time, and call out fees for the driver/s.

We can assure you that this service is safe and the driver of the vehicles is a non-smoker, non-drinker, posseses defensive driving certificates in addition to being a qualified medic.

Please feel free to email us should you need further information.